Is It Possible For Inflammation Markets To Be Down But Still Be In A Lot Of Pain And Horrible Fatigue?
Started Cimzia a few months ago. My inflammation markers are normal now but my pain and fatigue are horrible. Should I still have weakness, chest pains and pain with stiffness?
I have sero negative and felt like a fake eveb though I have terrible pain and fatigue , took me a long time to come to terms with accepting that although I was sero negative I still suffer RA .
I also have seronegative RA, inflammation markers always normal but have all the pain and fatigue... blood work can be very misleading!
Absolutely, these tests can only tell you so much. They're definitely not 100 accurate, that's why 35% of us have seronegative RD. Though I've had both hips replaced due to this disease and a wrist that's started to deform, my blood tests come back negative all the time. My Dr diagnosed me with an ultrasound.
Went to the er with chest pains. Turned out to be an inflammation if the cart ledge in my chest. Called cistochoritis. I think you should always be checked when having chest pains.
I have been on for over two years and it was wonderful. I am off now because I lost my insurance and I am back to feeling so much pain. I plan on doing Cimzia again as soon as the insurance kicks in. I don't remember any side effects. I highly recommend it.
Does Anyone Have Still's Disease And Does It Make Them Vomit?
Stills Disease