Cbd Oil? Has Anyone Tried It?
Has anyone used it, what where the results?
It works. No one can tell you how much to take, you need to figure it out. I take a big dose 3 to 4 times a day and no pain and no meds. Start out with a stronger tincture and take 1/2 to a full dropper 3 times a day. If in 3 days you don't see any relief, go up on dosage.
I've tried it and found no relief whatsoever. I bought Charlotte's Web ($100 for a small bottle). I refuse to take opioids and hoped that this would be a more homeopathic way to go... Did not work for me.
I have had amazing results with CBD oil to reduce inflammation. I have a medical marijuana license in CO. If you have not had results with CBD oil, you are not taking the real thing or using it incorrectly.
It is a form of cannabis but without the thc(so no high factor), and some say you do not need a script for it, supposed to be great with pain and many other things
I haven't tried it, I've never heard of it
Has Any One Tried The CBD/THC Oil?
Immune System Hives
Cbd Oil