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A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Canada, ON

I am 20 yrs old and have pain in both knees, elbows and wrists. And occasionally starting one ankle too. The worst however are my two knees then the wrists.

I don't have trouble with balance, though sometimes the pain is so in bearable I have to go to the ground (but it isn't falling it's sitting on the ground because It hurts to bad to stand sometimes) it lasts anywhere from a few seconds to a couple minutes the excruciating pain hen goes back to normal pain.

I've been wearing knee braces… read more

September 5, 2016
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A myRAteam Member

I have almost the same symptoms but not only do I have RA I am on an urgent list fo back surgery so cannot be sure what is causing all th pain I us a cane all the time when I a out and about gives me a sense of stability

September 13, 2016
A myRAteam Member

I happened upon this story today...thought it was cute and similar to what you may be going through?

September 8, 2016
A myRAteam Member

Well, the crutches won't help the wrists get first flare up at age 21 hit me hard from head to toe. I walked slow - very slow to get around and used wheelchairs at stores and such. I hated it but for me, with joint pain everywhere - I couldn't have managed crutches. However, if you need stability and balance you may consider those - or a walker. I know, I know...but it would be less painful on your wrists and it would be stable if you lose balance. That's my two cents!

September 7, 2016
A myRAteam Member

I use walking sticks sometimes,depends on where and how bad my pain is. I like them in the winter because they are basically ski poles and have points for digging in the ice,caps cover them for the rest of the year.

September 8, 2016
A myRAteam Member

I use to have the knee problem now it better I take all my medication as iam instructed and I attend a physiology it helped me a lot

At home the wanted to put me on wheel chair but with the help of physical surgery I became better I am working as a waitress and I walk 8 hour without feeling any pain on my knee

September 6, 2016

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