Does Anyone Else Suffer From Toe Cramps
Does anyone else have trouble with toe cramping up at night when you are trying to sleep, or wake up in the middle of toe spasms at night. I have been doing that for the last couple weeks, even with taking a muscle relaxer before bed.
I do!! I try to stand on my feet with a lot of pressure until the cramp goes away; my vitamin guy said it could be mineral depletion due to the methotrexate. I tried mineral and it helps.
Oh my word...all of the time!!!
Yes! My toes will cramp and kind of stick in weird positions when I go to bed. Never during the day. I have tried potassium and magnesium and flexeril. Nothing really helps.
I have sciatica that shoots pains down the back of my thighs it is miserable, unfortunately have not found anything that really helps with that. The orange juice at night along with my muscle relaxer seems to be helping with the toe cramps the last three nights anyway. Hope it continues to work:)
I have toe cramps all the time, not just at night. My toes will cramp up and pull in all directions. It can be very painful. I have talked to my Dr who didnt seem to pay much attention. If you find a cure for this , please let me know. I also have these crazy cramps in the back of my upper thigh, and they strike at the worst times.
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