RA And Cigarettes?
Any info or comments on this would be great, just intrigued to find out what kind of effects it has on RA.
Smoking Workhorse incredible amount of pain because she promotes inflammation at a rapid rate. I hope that was helpful and I hope if you smoke or anybody you know that smoke you could talk to them about getting off of it.
Good thing I don't smoke..... I know a lot of friends that do and they think I am being rude and overreacting about it. And the new job I have, has 4 people that all smoke. And they do it inside the building, so idk if I can handle it but crappy thing is, is I need the money and the job but I don't want my health to be at more of a risk than it already is.
You could leave the job. Smoking created adds to inflam best not to smoke.so does air polution cars etc
Why not try walnuts, peanuts, almonds, and other nuts and seeds to your snacks and meals is another tasty way to ease inflammation
Add turmeric, ginger, garlic, basil, pepper, and many others have anti-inflammatory properties.
Many meds can cause lung problems, smoking increases that risk.
RA can attack the lungs, smoking increases that risk.
Smoking is linked to RA
Smoking increases your chances for upper respiratory infections.
I quit, for these reasons.
In regards to smoking cigarettes, i wonder.i smoked for 15 years. Then was diagnosed with RA 15 years later. But who knows. My experience has been that every major life event has increased my RA symptoms. My husband died ,it got worse. Then i moved to take care of my motherand my RA went crazy. Then when my brother died i had another big increase in symptoms. So i think genetics and stress are my big triggers.
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