RA And Hypothyroidism/Hashimoto's
This is a question for a friend who is ill but is not diagnosed with RA.
I read an article about this correlation and thought I'd ask on here as I have no problems with these And therefore no experience.
Before you were diagnosed with RA but I'll and seeking treatment, did any of you have issues with hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's disease or pituitary issues?
almost 20 years ago now i lost my voice for 2 years after many tests and nothing showed the doctor ordered and ultrasound on my thyroid which showed many nodules as well as a goiter but the blood work comes back border line / I also have fibromyalgia/ cfs/ rsd/ as well as I started out with osteoarthritis and now RA .I have had a hysterectomy as well because of endometriosis
Yup hypo for 3 years can't get it leveled out. RA only for a month 1/2...
I also struggle with hypothyroidism.
I have hashimotos, psoriasis and I'm struggling now with my thyroid .. I was in the ER with symptomatic symptoms this past week
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis before RA diagnosis.
Is Thyroid Problems Related To RA Or The Meds?
Other Autoimmune Diseases? What Do You Have?
Have Any Of You With RA Been Diagnosed With Hashimotos?