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Does Anyone Experience Breathing Problems With RA?

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Sedalia, MO

I am on pill methotrexate weekly and humira injections every 2 weeks. I have had RA for 3 years. I have had a cold and terrible cough for over a month. The past few days I am finding it hard to breathe. I can cough stuff up so don't think it's pneumonia. If I do any little thing it's hard to breathe. I have also been seriously fatigued. I have slept a lot this weekend. I have read ra can cause lung problems also. Anyone else with this problem ?

July 4, 2016
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A myRAteam Member

Please make sure you get checked out by a lung specialist. I had the same problem couple of years back and they found a spot on my lung. I was taking methotrexate. When I switched my rheumy she immediately took me off it because it can cause lung issues. In March of this year I was hospitalized with pneumonia and flu, I now have interstitial fibrosis (from the RD or rheumatoid) and I am on oxygen. Sometime you need to be proactive about your RD and not wait for your PCP or rheumy if they won't listen and get another opinion. There is only one you. I'm praying for you.

August 30, 2016
A myRAteam Member

I've just recently come out of hospital, lungs have been damaged by the RA swelling. They were also damaged two years ago by methotrexate poisoning. I've opened a Facebook page called rheumatoid arthritis-interstitial lung disease. I've been updating regularly with as much information as I can find regarding this manifestation. Good luck peeps lung involvement is not a fun time xx

August 11, 2016
A myRAteam Member

You'll have fluid from a possible infection. Your immune system is taxed and won't fight off infection effectively. In turn fatigue will cause shallow breathing and fluid buildup. Flovent may loosen some of the buildup along with Ventolin. This sounds a little diminished for the issues at hand but I use a shot of kids Claritin and that seems to bring up alot if the fluid. It's not so much a lung 'problem' long term but can spurn pneumonia which can seriously inhibit recovery. Nip it in the bud and if a doctors visit won't do go straight to the ER.

July 30, 2016
A myRAteam Member

Methotrexate has given me so many side effects,now had to stop taking it as felt it was not worth it.
i was tired all the time,nauseated and irritable or depressed.
I felt it was not worth it, so will see what happens.

September 29, 2016
A myRAteam Member

I'm also going threw this now and after reading all of the comments I'm calling my dr. tomorrow... Im talking Arava only for now... Dr wants me to start embrel... but pharmacist requested for me to ask my dr. for pneumonia vaccine because a year ago I was taking methotrexate and it really lowered my immune system that I needed to be hospitalized 3 times because of pneumonia plus I also have asthma using two inhalers and at times I use albuterol sulfate if I get bad...but I'm also here Los Angeles and there's been large fires around so I'm hopping it's that... the dirty air... but I do cough abit and feel the need to be clearing my throat.... I also take an allergy tab every day...This was a very good question... I hope everyone is well asthma free.... we have enough with RA....

August 1, 2016

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Breathing Problems

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Dublin, IE
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