Sero-negative RA
For those of you with seronegative RA, what is you C reactive and SED rate? Mine are elevated, but not off the charts like a lot of you. What medicine did they start you on first?
Hi Patty!! I am happy to also be in touch with someone that is experiencing a similar journey to me. For the moment my GP is happy for me to take the Celebrex while I wait to go back to the Rheumatologist, we have discussed though that the time may be coming for the DMARDS. Like I said before my joints are not too bad, I have the nighttime and morning stiffness and so far it's only my elbows and left wrist that have swelling. I also have eye problems, dry and irritable and if I am very fatigued my eyes usually my left one are usually at their worse!!
I have been diagnosed too with Seronegative Arthritis around 7 months ago just had bloods and my CRP was 13 and ESR 35. My levels are slowly rising every 3 months, I am on Celebrex when required and also take some natural remedies eg: turmeric, fish oil and magnesium.
I am slowly having more bad days, I can handle the joint stiffness at the moment but not the fatigue!!
Holy Cow! @A myRAteam Member!!
Seronegative RA is when you have all the clinical findings of RA, but do not test positive for the Rhuemathoid factor. Sometimes C-Reactive and SED rate will be elevated, but not always. I had been on high dose NSAIDs for over a year, then a course of prednisone when I had blood work done by Rhuemy. So SED rate was slightly elevated. Went off everything for a couple days and SED rate was rising. So she knows there is inflammation there, just knows it's being masked. Seronegative RA is usually a milder form. But can turn to seropositive RA down the road.
Blood work. it measures inflamation markers. 1-29 is low,above 30 moderate etc up to 100
I am also seronegative and my ESR is not usually "high". My doctor started me on Plaquenil and eventually methotrexate. I have tried several meds over the years and have finally landed on Humira and it works well.
Anyone With Sero Negative RA?
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Sero Positive RA To Sero Negative RA?