Has Anyone Removed Nightshades From Their Diet?
I'm exploring how my diet interacts with my RA symptoms, but it's really difficult giving things up! So far, I've tried gluten free and dairy free, as well as reduced processed sugars. I've found gluten to trigger flares, but small amounts of dairy (cheese mainly), are OK for me. Some friends have said that giving up nightshades (peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.) might help too. Has anyone here tried that? And what was the result? Thanks! :)
Hi there,
I found great relief with going gluten / sugar free as well as stay away from all nightshades. The minute I have these foods I get acute flare ups so I believe there is a direct relation.
Good luck.
I have been following the FODMAP diet for the past few months for IBS as well. I am almost certain that my overall inflammation has been reduced. I could not tolerate anyone touching my lower back when getting a massage or chiropractic adjustment in the past. Now it is amazing how tolerant I am of this. When I eat bread products or eat ice cream I get very sick the next day. The FODMAP diet has been a great help to me overall.
I did a full elimination diet for 6 months and didn't find any definitive food triggers for me. Since this is so individual (some people get better vegan, others keto which are polar opposites - many say nightshades are an issue but Mediterranean diet heavy in tomatoes helps others) really all we can do is trial and error for ourselves. It's a lot like the medications, something that's a miracle for one person may do little or nothing for another. Good luck finding your triggers :)
following with interest, my daughter is starting a FODMAP diet for IBS, which we think could be linked to her JRA flare-ups
I guess everybody's body is different. I gave up nightsades if I slip and eat them I get a flare.Those tin stuff have hidden properties. Like pizza sauce,tomato ketchup,pasta sauces should be avoided. If I eat icecream,I get a flare.It takes a while to see the results.
You can Google Lucy Piper and hear what she says on Ra.
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