Does Anyone Bones Snap,crackle Or Pop I Swear You Can Hear Me Walking A Mile Away?
Same here - I call it my body orchestra LOL It usually does not hurt... just a lot of noise. Only occasionally when I'm in one position for a lit too long it will hurt when it snaps back into position with a loud pop. My rheumy said it's osteoarthritis and sent me to see a physio therapist. She examined me and written down some exercises, which I do. But I still have my orchestra....
Mine do all day long. Mostly when I stretch/bend. But every once in awhile, my shoulders or hips will pop out of nowhere. It hurts occasionally, but not bad enough for it to really bug me. Seems to freak out my co-workers though!
Thanks, @A myRAteam Member, the last Rheum said I didn't have bone damage yet so it might just not be showing on the xrays yet. I'll mention it when i go to the new guy in July.
Hi @A myRAteam Member I am 35, but was diagnosed with early onset OA when I was 33.
Well, most of my joints do it, called crepitation, and I'm only 34. No diagnosis of OA yet.
Why Do My Joints Pop And Crunch?
Does Anyone Have Popping In Their Bones. Also Crepitus In My Neck. I Feel Like I Am Going To Fall Apart.
So I Have RA And Will Be On Med # 7 When My Insurance Approves, Has Anyone Else Ever Had Pain Where Your Ribs Attach To The Breast Bone?