Getting Help During A Flare
Has anyone else had an issue getting help during a flare? Do you have flare plans with your doctor? Yesterday both of my doctors were busy so I ended up going to the urgent care down the street from my house. Hands and feet visibly swolle, joints hot, blood pressure 152/87 which is very high for me. The doctor came in and told me it was not necessary for me to be there and that I needed to leave and call my doctor. I was extremely mad and told him I wasn't seeking pain meds, my doctors couldn't… read more
Next time you are at your doctors you should ask for a prescription of prednisone to have on hand for those flares. I have never had to go to my Rhuemy or Doc because of a flare. She and my Internist give me stuff to keep at home to use when needed. It ends up saving you both time and money.
The first time I had a big flare, I had no idea what to do. My doctors hadn't explained to me what I should really expect, so I wasn't sure what I was feeling was a true flare. I called and just talked to one of the nurses and she asked me my symptoms. I explained all the fun stuff, and she quickly clarified I was indeed going through a flare and she would phone in a prednisone prescription to my pharmacy right away. I'm surprised you would actually go in to see your doc each flare. Hopefully they can just get you prescriptions to have on hand for future bad days.
Whenever I have a flare between appointments my doctor will call in medicine of she cannot get me in. I guess I'm not surprised by the urgent care doctor's response as they assume everyone's looking for pain meds. I hate that and they need to listen before making assumptions.
Yes I have a flare plan. Basically it involves having additional meds at home prescribed by the doctor for such a situation, you can also request a prescription of steroids for a flare situation. I have Oramorph, plus Tramadol, Cocodamol and Diazepam at home for when a fllare hits, plus I increase my meds. I don't have steroids at home though, instead I book in for a steroid jab.
Next time a doctor treats you like that tell them to put it in writing that you shouldn't be there! That is just ridiculous! Also ask where to file a complaint on the doctor!
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Tremors With RA
Where Is Your Pain,Mine Is In My Hips,wrists,knees,ankles, Hands,feet.I Have Several Issues.RA, Fibro, Osteoarthritis, Spondylolisthesis.