What Do You All Do For Fatigue? Do You Take Any Supplements That Help? Eat Any Specific Foods?
I don't know if it is my imagination but I love a b-complex sublingual. It seems to help me.
@A myRAteam Member, thanks for your input. I learned something new about vit D recently so I stopped taking it pill form and instead, started sunbathing daily and supplementing with a lot of magnesium. Turns out but D deficiency is often magnesium deficiency. Not only that, taking vit D messes with hormone levels, which would explain why I'm dealing with so many hormonal imbalances. Here's some information about it:
Adrenal fatigue is where adrenals get burned out due to overactive adrenaline. If adrenal fatigue is left untreated it will become full blown Addison's disease. There are several ways adrenal fatigue occurs- one of which is autoimmune diseases and another is am underling infection that goes untreated. Cortisol levels may be reversed or even flat line. Estrogen levels increase and progesterone decreases. Weight gain occurs and a feeling of complete exhaustion settles in, to the point that you literally can't function, you deal with insomnia, mood disorders, etc.
I have recently been taking frankincense essential oil internally. I rub a couple of drops on the roof of my mouth 3 to 4 times a day. It is suppose to be the best for strengthening the immune system. It seems to be working well. It is expensive for the pure oil, but worth it. I feel the Lord led me to it. Hugs
@A myRAteam Member - love it! Real food is the only way to go for those of us who are sick. (For anyone, really!) Attitude is everything. When mine is bad I surrender it to Christ and remind Him as a leopard cannot change its spots I cannot change me. But He can.
Healthy diet and exercise when I can. Now that it is summer, I have been able to do PT in the pool and that helps so much!! Healthy hydration places a role as well. But I also have to admit that the fatigue takes me down and I just have to admit that I need a nap and allow myself that to function! Best of luck to you. Fatigue can be so difficult to deal with. I am sorry you are going through this!
Comfort Foods - Items
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Is There Any Medication To Help With Fatigue?