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What Exactly Is A Rheumatoid Arthritis

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Vidalia, LA

is it an auto immune deficiency disease or is it over reactive immune system

April 13, 2016
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A myRAteam Member

RA is an autoimmune disease. It isn't a immune deficiency disease. Immune deficiency means your immune system isn't working hard enough. Ours is just the opposite. Our immune system works too hard and attacks the healthy parts of our bodies.

April 13, 2016
A myRAteam Member

It's a disorder that causes the immune system to attack healthy tissues and joints as if they were diseased. The white blood cells within the immune system causes inflammation in the synovial fluid around the joints. The inflamed synovial fluid erodes the joints and the lining of the organs. This is what causes our pain and disfigurement. Specialists still aren't sure of the cause of the disorder.

April 13, 2016
A myRAteam Member

Yes when I was told RA was probably what I had, but they were going to do an MRI of my hands and wrist, I got on line and read a lot of information! Then later on I got on this support page. I am still learning about it and what to do and what not to do.

April 13, 2016
A myRAteam Member

I agree, both. Our over active immune system doesn't recognize the the good things in our body and attacks it like an enemy. I think that is some of it. Hugs

April 13, 2016
A myRAteam Member

It's both. I would suggest that you Google it. Research is important with this disease. Good luck.

April 13, 2016

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Midlothian, IL
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