Has Anyone Else Experienced Significant Hair Loss While Using Methotrexate And/or Humira?
Absolutely, you can look different each day if you want. If life gives you lemons make lemonade! I am sending you a hug.
Ty to. Everyone for all the info
I really appreciate it❤I dont need a wig right now, but changing hair styles does sound like fun!! Lol I do take folic acid, among a myriad of other drugs, but such is our life.just keep smiling, and keep a great attitude, i think that goes a long way , blessings to each and every one of you,have a wonderful nite
I have always had very thick hair, so even though there is hair in the bathroom everywhere, I don't notice it, but I have no hair on my legs and my eyebrows and lashes are very thin.
I lost a lot of hair when I was on Methotrexate and I was also weak and nauseous all the time.
Attitude plays such a significant role in our lives, I just wake every day, and say it is going to be a great day, we have enough problems with our ra, and other complications, keep smiling, and do the best you can,sending happy thought to all🥰
What Are Everyone's Experience With Methotrexate? My RA Doc Just Prescribed It And I Start This Saturday. My Anxiety Is A Little Amped Up.
Has Anyone Experienced Hair Loss Due To Meds.