Has Anyone Tried Antibiotics For Ra?
I did for a long time and was doing good until my stomach decided to rebel. I was taking Doxycycline. I have ongoing, long-term (35+ years) stomach problems, so I wasn't really surprised when it caught up with me.
I went on minocyline for a month for facial breakouts, and I got a horrible yeast infection and had to stop it. I did not see a huge difference when I was on it.
Im guessing you would, probably like the others, your body gets used to it eventually. If you google it, people seem to do well once you get through the adjustment period
I just wonder if you're on them for a long period of time, what will happen when you get an infection. Will you be immune to that time of antibiotic.
Minocycline is supposed to be helpful but is an old treatment. Trying to find dr who will try it is hard.
Does Anyone Know How Long You Should Be Off Antibiotics Before Resuming RD Meds?
Has Anyone Tried Antibiotics For Ra?
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