Has Anyone Tried Antibiotics For Ra?
Yes, I was in remission for 7-8 years using only minocycline (and probiotics). In fact, I was so symptom-free that I thought I was cured. It's a fairly safe therapy and minocycline has the nice side effect of strengthening your bones. Eventually it just quit working for me, which is not uncommon for most RA treatments.
Not for RA
Before being diagnosed, my rheumy sent me to infectious disease, they had me on antibiotics for almost a month to see if there was any chance (as the rheumy wanted to rule out any other underlying issues). The antibiotics did not work for me. @A myRAteam Member
Not for RA no. I was advised by a friend with psoriatic arthritis to be careful when doing things to boost the immune system. It is the immune system attacking your body. It could make you symptoms worse. Cause a flare.
Does Anyone Know How Long You Should Be Off Antibiotics Before Resuming RD Meds?
Has Anyone Tried Antibiotics For Ra?
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