Ball Of Foot
Can RA affect the ball of your foot?
This is a question that I ask when I was first diagnosed with RA, but mine was for the heels of my feet. Then I develop plantar fasciaitid and OMG such pain. What originally helped me was Skechers shoes with the memory foam. I really couldn't walk without them. Then I went to Florida and I found these inserts called my foot, you can find them at if you want to try them I can give you a number to call and you get them for $30 a pair, if you order online they're $50. They last up to a couple years and is literally like walking on water I love them ! I wear them in every shoe that I own, they are very flat and they fit nicely in any shoe. And they can be washed. Hope this info helps.
Yes ,there are times when I feel like I am walking on rocks. I got magnetic insoles which really help my feet.
You should go to a podiatrist and see about getting orthotic insoles that they make just for you. I did that and it helped my feet alot. If i dont use them i have alot of problems with my feet
I have experienced this a lot! The ball of your foot is a major joint and it is subject to a lot of daily use, so it can be very significant when you experience inflammation there.
Lol, right foot* gotta love auto correct mistakes.
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