Has anyone ever gotten a under the skin rash on top of nose and spread to cheeks. I also have 2 spots that look like red dogs. Have been on Enbril for 3 weeks. The
Good morning. I have been experiencing that too. I have had bouts of eczema but the red rash to my face started about a week ago. I started Embrel about 3 wks ago. It did seem like a butterfly rash but it's not raised just red skin
It could also be rosacea. That can occur with autoimmune issues too. Google both issues, lupus butterfly rash and rosacea and look at the photos.
when I was on Enbrel I had a horrible rash on my arms and hands little on legs for a entire summer it was very itching and painful
Currently my RA test result is greater than 250...it exceeded the tests capability; My ana counts are high too, but the RA seems to be dominating right now.
I have that. It may be Lupus. I have Lupus and overlap/RA.
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