Has Anyone Tried Tumeric For RA? Have You Noticed Any Difference? Does It Help?
Funny I should see this actually taking a road trip tomorrow to purchase some, sure do hope it works and is not too yucky!!
I fill my own with the spice, it's a lot cheaper.
I use the spice not a capsule. Was told the capsules didn't help at all.
Hi my darlings I use fresh turmeric in everything I can get away with, just grate into food, but beware use gloves as I ended up the first time with yellow stained hands lol, I like to think it helps as it won't do any harm long term, also most things we take to help our immune take a good 6 month to get properly working, buy fresh organic as it is very cheap, supplements cost more and a lot to pay out at once. Hoped this helped 🐝
I didn't even think about side effects. It can interact with anti-inflammatory medications. It can also cause liver and gall bladder problems. Just like ginger, it's a blood thinner. So you shouldn't use it if you're planning to have surgery.
To me, that's another reason to get off the prednisone...
If you are nervous about side effects, you should not take it. Or at least talk to a doctor first.
Good luck! I hope you find something that helps @A myRAteam Member!
Turmeric N Probioctics
Tumeric Tablets