Any One Have UTIs Constantly ?
Been having problems since last july, getting so tired of it.
By my urologist. I would feel like it was a UTI, but had no infection. It is called Interstitial Cystitis.
How were you diagnosed ?
I have a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the bladder. I am always fighting UTIs
Methotrexate, sometime cause your bladder to spasms and they feel like UTIs. I am not saying you don't have a bladder infection. I am a sufferer of UTI and I am tired of it as well. But I know not all of them are infections , but I have insisted that the doctor gives me antibotic's.
he wants to do that soon to me
Anyone Else Have Constant UTI's, Or Other Bladder/ Urinary Problems?
My Skin Gets Very Dry During Flares
No I Have Not Tried Stem Cell But I Have Friends That Have Used Stem Cell.