Does Anyone Know How Long You Should Be Off Antibiotics Before Resuming RD Meds?
Biologic and methotrexate
The infection/disease needs to be cleared up; and you need to be off antibiotics completely before resuming your RA meds. If you're still in doubt, ask your rheumy.
A week
Usually a week
Ask your pharmacist. They are the ones who gave my doc the facts. You can take cephlacore (omniceph) with methotrexate. It depends on the long it stays in your system.
about 1 month. but call your r.a. doctor. when you fell much better than you go back on methotextrate. stay away from people who has a cold or flu. this medication does weaken your immune system down. I am on this medication over 1 1/2 year and have been sick and had to be taken off this medication for about one month or so.
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