Epstein Barr
Has anyone else been diagnosed with Epstien Barr along with RA?
My fibro symptoms started in 2007-2008 and that's when my EBV levels were checked and it was off the charts. Of course all of the doctors tell you there's nothing that can be done. Then when you feel like crap or are stressed it kicks right in. Was diagnosed last year with RA.
Me too,my teeth just break. I've been on aflutadine 3 months and helps pain for sure, but my once very healthy thick hair has been falling out the last month. I've lost about 16 lbs too. Which is ok by me
I try to eat protein. When I was on mtx. My doc had me on 2 folic acid a day then she told me to stop takings them last appointment. I hope I have some hair left in 2 weeks when I have my appt.
I have lost many healthy teeth too! I am on mtx and had silver fillings in all of them. Does anyone know what's up with that?
Yes in 1995 I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (a.k.a. Epstein Barr) I was about 26 yrs. old at the time, and I am 46 now. I have been diagnosed this last year with OsteoArthritis Degenerative, Severe Spondyilothisis, and Scoliosis. I also expect that RA is next since majority of these crippling ailments stem from my heredity. TMJ as well as severe joint pain to point of my bones locking up and am unable to walk at times and my perfectly healthy teeth are falling out of my deteriorating jaw bone, leaving my molars dangling by the roots(as if I were seven years old again). I currently am not on any medications other than topical and hot/cold home remedy with store bought homedic massage unit.
Yes, I've had Fibromyalgia,diagnosed at 28, I'm 55 now, have osteoporosis arthritis, diagnosis of RA 6 MO ago. Lyme dz 13 years ago.Cymbalta helps my fibromyalgia
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