Anyone Use Essential Oil For Pain Relief?
I'd like to try essential oils to help with my RA pain, but I don't want to invest in them until I know more. Has anyone tried them and have they helped with the joint pain?
Remember when somebody tells you what works for them get the brand that they use in because different brands differ ineffectiveness. So always remember get exactly the brand they using and ask where they got it from Amazon Google.
I bought a whole kit of doterra oils to help my pain. It did nothing for me but I have an intense case of RA. It may work but honestly it was alot of money for nothing.
I only use 100 percent pure certified organic oils, I find that it helps.
I just started using Young Living Essential Oils. I am very new to it. I have had the Rain Drop technique done on me a few times and I absolutely love it. A massage just hurts too much. I am enjoying experimenting with them.
Oops @A myRAteam Member, what I meant to say is that I have eaten turmeric/black pepper for RA pain, in the form of Golden Milk. And that maybe massaging their essential oils on the joints externally would help too.
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Frankincense Oil
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