Total Knee Replacement In My Very Near Future. Does RA Complicate The Healing And Recovery Process?
I never had any problem and I have had4 knee surgeries. Biggest thing is to get that knee bending as far as you can as quickly as you can. The pool really helps you out there as soon as you are healed up. And remember you need the pain meds to be able to bend your knee so take them a little while before you do your exercise.
I had to go off meds prior to surgery, and my doctor let me know when I could go back on. Each pill is different.
Thank you!
I had a total hip replacement in May. Physical therapy is the key. Do the exercises as much as you can tolerate.
Prior to surgery I was a non compliant patient. Lol. I had stopped all meds and went cold turkey before I actually decided to have surgery. I only started back on meds after surgery.
I healed very well and only limp a little now. But I heard in my joint replacement class that knees are much more difficult.
Good luck to you! Will keep you in my prayers.
Hip Replacement Surgery
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