Anti-CCP Test Results...what Is The Highest You've Seen?
I know greater than 60 is a strong positive, but what is the highest anyone has seen? Mine was 137.
RF 177 and CCP >300
I have been diagnosed in 2012 my RA factor is still neg but my CCP is now 340 is on treatment but maby not the right treatment?
My highest After Chemotherapy was 94. It is Now 64, because I am only on Prednisone for the R.A.!! I cannot take anything especially now that I have Congestive Heart Failure! Taking Life 1 day at a time!
When I was diagnosed 06/18, my RF was less than 10.0 U/mL, and CCP was 179. I thought I'd seen RF negative somewhere, but now I can't find it. It does say it should be less than 14 U/mL, and I guess mine was. My C-reactive protein had been high, but is normal now. My Dr acted like they never recheck the CCP? In my last 3 mo CBC labs, they were good, except my platelets had gone up from 260 to 361? They've always been mid-200s, going way back. 361 is still in normal range, but has anyone else ever had theirs jump like that? Thx!
RF negative
CCP 147
Just diagnosed a week ago but they will be starting me on Plaquenil.
RA Numbers
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