Rhumy Says Not RA???
My sister has RA from what I believe but she dosent have any swelling any where in her joints but neither did I just pain and aching and sometimes burning. She went to a Rhumatologist and he said her RF was negative as well so she dosent have it. Can this be true? Or should she go back?
You're right Mems! Some rheumies are so focused on numbers they ignore the symptoms. My 1st rheumy diagnosed me with RA based on what was happening in my hands. My labs screamed autoimmune disease and could just as easily been read as lupus, but my rheumy listened to what I was telling him and really looked at my hands.
My RF was negative also but my rheumatologist said it isn't the blood work that they base most of the diagnosis on.. Go back keep pushing! I went untreated far too long and am suffering for it now..
go somewhere else. 15% of us are sero negative. diagnosis can also be made with x ray and physical examination
I agree with Jenny, I was RF negative for many many years and I still had RA, my rheumy said 30% of the people with RA have a negative RF.
What about other blood tests like anti-CCP? I agree with everyone who mentioned seronegative and finding a new rheumatologist. My primary care doctor suspected I had RA and she referred me to my rheumatologist based on my symptoms and her observations during a physical exam.
Some RA blood tests:
- Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA)
- Rheumatoid factor (RF)
- Anti-citrullinated peptide/protein antibodies (anti-CCP)
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
- High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (Cardio CRP)
Comprehensive information is here: -
I Am Turning 65 Next Year And Have Read About The Poor Reimbursement On The Biological Drugs In Part D Of Medicare Part D. Any Suggestions?
Has Anyone With RA Gotten Blood Poisoning And Told That The RA Caused It. If So Can You Please Share With Me .
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