Did Your RA Get Diagnosed Before Fibermyalgia?
Which came first? The egg or the chicken? same references here. So peoples which did you notice first, the RA or fibromyalgia? With me .it was the fibromyalgia because all I knew was pain and I hurt and all the key areas. I always knew I had Arthritis but not RA. Bare in mine I did karate during this time and thought it was normal to hurt from work outs. I was working out 6 days week 3 to 4 hours a day plus a full time job and two teenagers.. I did complete too, but retired from that when… read more
I was diagnosed with fibro first. Switched Rheumatologist and was told RA. They both hurt so bad but would choose Fibro over RA
I think your right. I think the fibro comes before RA. I've never been diagnosed with fibro and just recently diagnosed with RA. But I have had problems for a longtime. I wish they had earlier detection.
Yes I agree. But last rheumatologist visit confirmed the fibro. But I think it was misdiagnosed several years ago. Because the ra wasn't diagnosed until last year.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 21 years ago, but wasn't diagnosed with RA until 2013. I believe I had my first real flare of RA in 2011, but it wasn't diagnosed as such. I had all of the symptoms, but I'm sero-negative so nothing showed on the blood work except a high CRP. In 2013 the symptoms were much worse and I was finally diagnosed correctly. I take meds for both diseases, but I'm beginning to wonder if fibromyalgia is really a precursor to autoimmune diseases like RA , Sjogrens, and Lupus.
Meds include: Enbrel, Cymbalta, Neurontin, Ultram, Lortab, Zanaflex, ibuprofen
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and treated for about 4 years. Then I started getting severe joint pain. Although I tested negative for RA, my rheumatologist suspected I was developing it and tried a course of prednisone to see if I improved. I did. My dad was also seronegative.
Immune System Hives
My Blood Work Shows 4.99 For TSH, And The Neutrophilsabsolute Is At .9, Is This A RA Side Affect?
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