Does Anyone Have Chest Pain With RA?
Has anyone had chest pain with RA? I called my Rheumatologist and he doesn't think it's from the Methotrexate. He said to see my primary care physician. It's a sharp pain that has come and gone for weeks. If I take a deep breath or move the pain does not change. it's mostly on the right but sometimes on the left.
I also get the chest/rib/sternum pain. It can be pretty intense. I also get severe esophageal spasms which feel exactly like a cardiac event. I take Hyoscamine for them, which helps very minimally. Good times!
I discovered after diagnosis with RA that my chest pains were likely RA in the joints in the chest (I also get flares in my voice box). I had an angiogram and everything only to find nothing -- it may have been a tear in the chest muscle or (and now considered more likely) inflammation in a joint in the chest. Crazy! Nothing is ever certain. I just make sure to tell my doctor's everything and let them sort it out...
Hi yes chest pains when take deep breaths had it checked common with RA
The first two years of being diagnosed with RA I had chest pain in the middle of my chest. The area between my breast and it hurt when I would take a deep breath. That went on for a.month off and on
I also get chest pains, and like you the first time thought I too was having a heart attack, went to Er to find out I didn't have one. Told Er Dr that I had RA and was told pain was most likely due to inflammation in the joints connecting to the sturnum. I have since had injections of cortisone in sturnum. Oh and hello my the way, I just joined tonight and am excited to see that there are many of us in the area. Take care.
Has Anyone Had Chest Pains With Their RA?
I Understand That Anxiety Is Somehow A Component Of RA But How Does It Work? Does Anything Make It Better Or Woese? Meds Better Or Worse?
Does Anyone Here Have Chest Pains Caused By RA?