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How Can I Tell If This Wrist Pain Is From My RA Or If It Could Be Carpal Tunnel? How Is Carpal Tunnel Diagnosed?

A myRAteam Member asked a question 💭
Valparaiso, IN
July 7, 2015
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A myRAteam Member

I have had the carpal tunnel surgery on both wrists. 1984. Carpal tunnel gave me electric shock like pain and numbness in my hands upon waking up. Severe tendinitis in my wrists. Severe pain when using my hands. RA causes my joints to swell and hurt but it has a different kind of pain. Achy and tender, and definitely swollen. Difficulty with fine motor skills but okay with gross motor skills.

July 14, 2015
A myRAteam Member

I have had 2 EMG tests on my wrists. The first 1 was so painful and I could not use my arms for a day. The second test was given by a different doctor and was pain free. I have been told that ra can bring on carpal tunnel. If you tap the the wrist under the palm of your hand it will normally shoot pain up your hand if it is carpal tunnel. I have had the surgery in my right hand andneed it on my left but am putting it off until I can no longer stand the pain.

July 18, 2015
A myRAteam Member

RA can cause carpal tunnel syndrome due to swelling causing compression of the median nerve. The doc will usually press on your wist where the nerves pass through to your hands for 1min. If you have time tingling, it is usually a positive sign for carpal tunnel syndrome. As with all medical procedures, clinical signs need to be cross checked by formal studies. Sonar or nerve conduction confirms it.

May 22, 2016
A myRAteam Member

Just don't let the doctor order an EMG test its for the nerves to diagnose carpal tunnel it is one of the most painful experiences I have ever had to go through. I was ready to hit the doctor before he finished the exam, I was ready to cry. I could not move my hands for 2 days cause I was still in so much pain, and in the end I still did not have carpal tunnel

July 17, 2015
A myRAteam Member

Yes it can be very depressing living in pain your mind wants to go 100 miles an hour but my body can only move at turtle speed the only thing that gets me through the day is that I think of the children that have to endure RA also and how tough life must be for them and I thrive from their strength I always think it could be worse I hope you have a pain free day

July 11, 2015

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