Just Curious Do You Suffer From Insomnia More Since Being Diagnosed With RA?
Truth! I wake up around 3:30 or 4:00 am every morning or I wake up all night long lately. I am way too tired!!!
Definitely. I usually take a sleep aid just so I can function. This damp, rainy weather has been brutal . Every joint in my body hurts. Sunshine and warm temps please come back!
I only get about 4 hours of solid sleep each night. It's a difficult way to function in life. So frustrating. Painful too.
That is a big yes! I listen to a lot of audio books. When I can't sleep, I put my head phones on and listen to one of my books that I have already read. I usually fall asleep to that.
Really have a hard time staying asleep.... I’m up and down all night. I find my I have to take Marijuan oil helps
Anxiety And Insomnia
Does Anyone Else Struggle With Chronic Insomia?
I'm Wondering If Anyone Has More Frequent Headaches Since Being Diagnosed With RA? I Have Been Dealing With Headaches Since Saturday.