Dry Skin?
Is anyone having trouble with dry, flaking, irritated skin, like sun burn but it's not? I have it on both arms & a little I my waist. Dr gave me a cortisone cream 2 weeks ago but it's not helping.
My meds make me sensitive to sunlight. See if yours have that warning label. I also get dry, tissue paper thinned skin. I use hazelnut oil to protect from the sun. I use aloe vera/coconut oil mix for the dry skin. Both help. I also use an umbrella to stay out of the sun.
My skin has been flaking off my legs forever I use so much lotion helps until it soaks in.
I use Shea butter and Cocoa butter, it does help. I have had several patches of dry skin appear on my legs. I itch mostly on the back of my knees, it sometimes is really bad but the Shea Butter/Cocoa butter does help
Early on I did mexthorate doesn’t like the ☀️.
Hi, Just last night I suffered from Itchy skin on the top of my foot and yes it got rubbed sore as I found out this morning, my itchy skin seems to go in cycles nothing for a few weeks then it goes crazy for a week or so anyone suffer the same.
Ctor Just Dismissed It
Started Remicade Infusions. Any Thoughts? Experiences?
Has Anyone Been On Arava, And Did It Help?