Has Anyone Else Been Diagnosed With Felty Syndrome Along With Ra?
Low white blood count
Enlarged spleen
@maryjane-My rheumatologist diagnosed me with Feltys probably 2 years ago. I know how u feel about having low wbc and taking biologic. Does make u wonder if u r more susceptible to infections. I try not to b obsessed but do try to stay away from anyone I know with infections and try to watch during flu season. My rheum insists I get flu shot.
Yes I have. But after seeing a hematologist for a year for low wbc-I demanded an MRI because I had what I thought was an enlarged lymph node. That is when they found an enlarged spleen. I google the symptoms. 1% of ra people have this. No one has addressed it. All I know is that w/ a lwbc my immune system is like having 4 chemos...but predinose give a high wbc. so-who knows??
By the way it is rare. I think 1 percent of ra patients get it.
@ MaryWilsonHogsed.I don't think its ever prescribed to raise the level-but I was told that with prednisone my wbc would be high. My rhumy has never talked to me about this. He did not look at the MRI. I need to revisit this w/ him. I am concerned that a low wbc makes it difficult to fight infections and then the biologics also make fighting infections difficult. In fact no one has even told me I have it. But I have lowwbc,enlarged spleen and RA.I researched and discovered(true or not?)that this syndrome is very rare and usually hits years after RA has not been controlled.
@A myRAteam Member. The feltys doesn't seem to bother me at this time. My ra dr nor oncologist suggested prednisone for low wbc. Going to have to ask. I have had ra for many years.
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