Avascular Necrosis
Pain experienced in the hip, groin and thigh anyone know of or has this?
I have severe hip pain. Everything I read says to be active with RA but I am unable to walk or stand for very long. I sympathize with anyone having hip, buttock, or thigh pain. I just keep hoping...
That is where I have most of my pain. I can't even walk most times without severe pain. The doc says it is coming from my back. Just had hip X-rays. No results yet. When I have flare ups, that is what is most painful.
I've had severe hip & thigh pain.Only pain medicine works for me.
@A myRAteam Member I recently had an MRI because of the back, neck, & hip pain...my neuro doc told me it showed scoliosis moderate, I have herniations in the discs at C1 & C2 & T4, 5 & 6. Both neuro & rheumatologist said it is very common in RA pts. Just need to follow-up every year if discomfort remains the same. As long as they are not saying I need surgery I'm okay with it. Over the years of struggling with this disease I have learned to be accepting of new problems.
Yes, my Ortho thought it was my hip and I had hip inj done. After further research this year my disc is gone in my back between 3-4 and 4-5 which is putting pressure on the nerve that takes that path.
Anyone Else On Steroids Have Avascular Necrosis Of Their Hip Joints? If So, Please Shed Light On You Management And Treatment.
Hello I Have Bursitis In My Left Hip I'm Suffering With Pelvic And Hip Pain And Sometimes I Just Can't Walk
How Long Can You Stay On 10mg Of Prednisone Per Day Without Damage?