How Many Of You Have Handicapped Parking? At What Point Did You Start Using/needing It?
I have a tag. I use it often now as my ability to walk is decreasing. The closer I park the more I can walk in a store.
I had let mine expire, hoping I,would no,longer need it. However, I am going to get it renewed and only use it when I need it. Some days are better than others.
I dropped the application off at my doctor's office. After a few days I called to see if it had been filled out. His nurse told me he said he will not fill it out at this time. I asked why and she said she didn't know. I told her I have been using a cane for a couple of months and that he checked out my leg last time I was there and said the problems are all due to my RA. She said, yes I see that in his notes. Maybe the Humira will help you. But I was told by him on Jan 19th I would have the Humira in about a week. I still don't have it! I was told this morning I will have in in 2 more days. What am I to do on the mean time? I have been have a rough time since August. I just read an online article saying that people with RA should start using a cane early on to take pressure off the joints. I'll find the article and post it. Why doesn't my rheumatologist know this?
I asked my Rheumy for one when I notice it was getting difficult/painful to get in & out of my car. She didn't even hesitate. I was a little scared/sad when I asked.
My PCP submitted my application once my RA diagnosis was officially confirmed by my Rheumatologist. She said it was best to avoid large parking lots, especially in bad weather. In Illinois, you can get a permanent handing placard issued for 3.5 years at no cost, which we decided I should do first, then apply for the permanent handicapped license plate, which has a cost, when the placard expires in July 2018. There was no hesitation on her part and my Rheumy thinks it's a good idea. I have some other orthopedic issues in addition to RA and am currently undergoing eval and diagnosis for Parkinson's so they were supportive of getting it right away.
Immune System Hives
My Blood Work Shows 4.99 For TSH, And The Neutrophilsabsolute Is At .9, Is This A RA Side Affect?
Does Anyone Else Avoid Using Their Handicapped Parking Placard Because Of The Looks And Comments They Get From Strangers?